Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Test Post...Gearing up for GC2012

Hello friends,

I'm dusting off the internet cobwebs in a strategic move in preparation for the Episcopal Church's General Convention, meeting this year July 5-12 in Indianapolis, IN. I will be attending as a member of the Associated Parishes for Liturgy and Mission's Executive Council, and as an interested observer. I can't promise daily postings here, but I will do my best to use this blog as a tool to share my reflections with those of you who care to read.

Before which, however, I will be enjoying another "view from the porch" on vacation at the beach with Mrs. Precentor and Uncle and Auntie Choralis. I grew up on the Texas Gulf Coast and desperately miss living near water, so this will be a welcome rest for body and spirit alike.

Grace and peace,

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Dusting out the cobwebs...

Oh dear...I knew I was way behind for posting anything, but this is just embarassing.

In my own defense, let it be known that the dissertation is DONE, SUBMITTED, and will be DEFENDED a week from today. God willing and the committee consenting, I will then have a big piece of paper to hang on the wall and a big satin-lined hood to wear for Evensong :)

And how, dear ones, are all of you?