Monday, July 6, 2009

To A Congregation I Have Loved

I’ve thought a great deal about what I wanted to say today. There is much that could be said, and not nearly enough time to say everything. But there are three things I do want to say.

The first thing has to do with forgiveness. Whenever I prepare couples for marriage, I always point out to them that the prayers in the marriage service ask that God will “give them grace, when they hurt each other, to recognize and acknowledge their fault, and to seek each other’s forgiveness…” Not if, but when. It is not possible for two people to live together for any length of time without there being hurts and misunderstandings. Much less three hundred people living together. So then, for all the things that I have done, and the things I have failed to do, which have hurt you, or caused you pain, I ask your forgiveness. For the things which you have done, or failed to do, which have caused me pain, I offer you my forgiveness. They symbol of St. Peter is the keys—the ability to unlock and set free those who are bound. So then, from this day let us move forward, released from any bonds of old hurt or offense.

The second thing has to do with gratitude and thanksgiving. I have been among you for several years, and although we have definitely had our ups and downs, I have been blessed by our time together. For the most part, it has been fun. It has been joyous. It has been life-giving. And I will always be grateful for the opportunity to be among you, for this time we have had together.

And the third thing has to do with love, of course. I have loved you as well as I have been able, in the time we have had. You have loved me also, as well as you were able. And from this bond of love, from this bond only, I will not release you. For I am part of you; and you are part of me, and there is no power in heaven or on earth to change that. So remember me then, when you go to that altar for communion. Remember me, when you go out into the world to love and serve God, as you love and serve the people of God. Remember me, above all, when you SING. And as I have said to you, many times, I say to you once again:

Dear friends, life is short, and we have but little time to gladden the hearts of those who make this earthly pilgrimage with us. So be swift to love, and make haste to do kindness; and the blessing of God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, be upon you this day, and forevermore.

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